
Thalmann Fabrice

Assistant Professor at the Physics and Engineering Department of the University of Strasbourg. Since I joined the Institut Charles Sadron in 2005, my attention has been mainly devoted to the theory and the simulation of soft matter systems: polymers and phospholipid membranes. My current interests include adhesion kinetics, Stokes hydrodynamics, thermodynamics of lipid mixtures and […]

Graner François

Titles : 1990 Physics PhD University Paris 6, France 1989 Agrégation de Physique (national competitive exam for teachers) 2000 Habilitation University of Grenoble Positions : 2011-present Research Director, CNRS, University Paris Diderot 2008-2012 Research Director, CNRS, Institut Curie, Paris 1994-2008 Research Scientist, then Research Director, CNRS, University of Grenoble 1992-1994 Assistant Professor, Ecole Normale Supérieure, […]

Reisch Andreas

Maître de conferences (Assistant professor) in biophysics Université de Strasbourg à Faculté de Pharmacie Laboratoire de Biophoonique et Pharmacologie (UMR 7213) Equipe Nanochimie et Bioimagerie My research focuses on the design of functional polymeric materials for biomedical applications. I am combining polymer synthesis and physical chemistry to assemble materials with precisely defined organization, functionality, and […]